Clever Blog
Catch up on the latest in fashion with Clever Alice.
The Magic of New York Winters: A Call to Step Outside and Support Small Businesses
Winter in New York City is a magical time, with snowy streets, glowing holiday lights, and a vibrant atmosphere. While the cold may tempt you to stay in, stepping outside...
Leather Jackets from Cigno Nero ON SALE at the Winter/Holiday POP UP SHOP
Clever Alice Pop Up Shop opens December 2 to 6 at 7 East Huron in Chicago. Daily from 10 to 7 and Sunday 12 to 5. Over 30 women's...
Leather Collection Cigno Nero at our Next POP UP SHOP
Leather jacket collection, Cigno Nero from Austria, will be up to 75% off during the POP UP. On Sale between $180 and $280, the line normally retails in...